Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy


私たちは、創造性に富んだ金融サービス企業を目指すりそなグループの一員として、皆さまのご要望にお応えしお役に立つことによって、皆さまとの確かな信頼関係を築いてまいりたいと考えております。 そのためにも、皆さまからお預かりしている情報について適切な保護を図り、安心してお取引いただけますよう努めてまいります。

(1) 私たちは、「個人情報の保護に関する法律」をはじめとした関連する法令ならびに社会規範の遵守を徹底します。

(2) 私たちは、適法かつ公正な手段により情報を収集するとともに、個人情報の利用目的を明確にし、収集した個人情報を利用目的の範囲内で適切に取扱います。

(3) 私たちは、皆さまが私たちを信頼してお取引くださっていることを強く認識し、お預かりしている情報の漏えい・紛失等の防止に努めます。

(4) 私たちは、皆さまからのお問い合わせ、ご意見、あるいは苦情などに対して、真摯にかつ適切に取組みます。


水本 達也


お客様の体のことを考えたよりよい商品をご案内・販売するため、必要な範囲でお客様に関する情報をお預かりしています。 当社が保有する個人情報は、下記に定める目的の範囲で利用させていただきます。

1. 当社からのキャンペーンのお知らせや新製品をご案内するため。

2. 記念品のお届けや季節のご挨拶のため。

3. お客様が注文された商品等をお届けするため。

4. お客様にとって有益な情報を提供するため。

5. 当社がお客様の意識その他調査を行うため。

6. お客様からの質問、お問合せにご回答する場合、その他お客様とのお取引を適切かつ円滑に履行するため。

7. 緊急事態発生時において、お客様にご連絡するため。

8. その他、当社が業務遂行上において、合理的な事由があると判断し、お客様に連絡するため。









(1) 共同利用する個人データの項目




(2) 共同利用者の範囲


(3) 共同利用者の利用目的
















(4) 個人データの管理責任者の名称・住所・代表者氏名

   東京都江東区木場1丁目5番65号 深川ギャザリア W2棟
   代表者氏名 南 昌宏



1. 法令に基づく場合。

2. 人の生命、身体又は財産の保護のために必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。

3. 公衆衛生の向上又は児童の健全な育成推進のために特に必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることが困難であるとき。

4. 国の機関もしくは地方公共団体又はその委託を受けた者が法令の定める事務を遂行することに対して協力する必要がある場合であって、本人の同意を得ることにより当該事務の遂行に支障を及ぼすおそれがあるとき。


1. 個人情報を正確・最新のものとするよう常に適切な措置を講じます。

2. 個人情報の紛失、破壊、改ざん、漏えい、流出、不正アクセス等を防止するために万全を尽くします。


1. 個人情報の安全管理が図られるように従業者に対し、継続的な指導教育と必要かつ適切な監督を行います。

2. 個人情報保護管理の取組みを見直し、継続して改善を図ります。このために、必要に応じてこの方針及び個人情報保護にかかわる社内規程などの見直しを実施します。

3. 当社では、収集する個人情報の変更、利用目的の変更、又はその他本方針の変更を行う際は、当サイト上への掲示をもって公表させていただきます。


1. お客様に関する情報の開示、訂正、削除、利用中止をご請求される場合は、下記のお問合せ先までお申し出ください。ご本人であることを確認させていただき、状況をお伺いした上で、必要な手続きについてご案内させていただきます。

2. ダイレクトメール類(郵送の他、電子メールによるもの・テレマーケティングを含みます。)についてお客様から利用中止のお申し出があった場合は、ご本人であることを確認させていただいた上で、取扱いを中止させていただきます。




当社のウェブサイトの一部では、当ウェブサイト改善のための利用状況の収集・分析、広告の配信、および当社のウェブサイトをご本人さまにより便利にご利用いただくために、クッキー (Cookie)*1やWebビーコン (クリアGIF)*2 を利用しております。

*1 クッキー

ウェブサイトを管理するウェブサーバとご本人さまのウェブブラウザとの間で相互にやりとりされる情報のことをいいます。クッキーは、ご本人さまのコンピュータのディスクにファイルとして格納されることがあります。 クッキーをご利用になりますと、ウェブサーバは特定のコンピュータがウェブサイト中のどのページを訪れたか等を記録することが可能となります。但し、ご本人さまがご自身の個人情報をウェブサイト上で入力されない限り、当社はご本人さまを特定、識別することはできません。

*2 Webビーコン





当社では、以下のとおり第三者(Google社のGoogle Analytics)と連携し、お客さまが当社サイトに訪問した際に、当該第三者が収集した情報を、当社サイトの分析等を目的として使用することがあります。なお、Cookie(クッキー)による情報収集等を無効にしたい場合には、対象の第三者のオプトアウトページにアクセスし、所定の手順に従って無効化してください。

Google Analyticsの利用について
当社サイトでは、サイトの利用状況の収集と統計的な分析により、当社サイトの改善等を目的とし、Google Analyticsを利用しています。
Google Analyticsは、クッキーを利用してお客さまの情報を収集しますが、個人を特定する情報は収集しておりません。Google Analyticsによりクッキーを使用して収集されたお客さまの情報は、Google社により同社のプライバシーポリシーに基づいて管理されます。

お客さまが当社サイトにおいてGoogle Analyticsによる情報収集を拒否される場合は、下記のGoogle社のページ(Google Analyticsオプトアウトアドオン)より、 Google Analyticsを無効化することができます。
>Google Analyticsオプトアウトアドオン

Google Analyticsによる情報収集ならびにGoogle社のプライバシーポリシーに関する説明は下記のGoogle社のサイトをご覧ください。なお、Google Analyticsのサービス利用による損害については、当社は責任を負わないものとします。
>Google Analyticsの利用規約


首都圏アグリファーム株式会社  04-2936-8851
受付時間:9:00〜17:00 月曜日〜金曜日


Declaration of Personal Information Protection

Shutoken Agrifarm Co., Ltd. (“the Company”) as a member of the Resona Group, aims to become a highly creative financial services provider, we wish to build solid trustful relationships with our customers by serving their needs.
To this end, we strive to protect the customer information to allow them to transact with us with peace of mind.

(1) The Company will comply thoroughly with “Act on the Protection of Personal Information” and related laws and social norms.

(2) The Company will collect personal information by lawful and fair means and treat it appropriately within the scope of the purpose of use.

(3) The Company will highly appreciate our customers’ faith in us and endeavor to prevent the leakage or loss of customer information.

(4) The Company will respond sincerely and appropriately to any inquiries, suggestions or complaints.

(5) The Company will continuously review and improve our policies, organizational structure and internal rules as well as our practices to protect customer information.

Shutoken Agrifarm Co., Ltd.
Tatsuya Mizumoto, CEO

1. Purpose of collecting and using personal information

In order to provide and sell more qualified products good for customers’ health, we keep information about the customers to the extent necessary. Personal information held by our company will be used within the scope of the purposes specified below.

1. To inform the customers about campaigns and new products from our company.

2. For delivery of souvenirs and seasonal greetings.

3. To deliver the products ordered by the customers.

4. To provide useful information to our customers.

5. For us to conduct customer awareness and other surveys.

6. When answering questions and inquiries from customers, in order to properly and smoothly carry out transactions with customers.

7. To contact customers in the event of an emergency.

8. In such a circumstances as we reasonably judge to be necessary to contact the customers in our normal course of business.

2. Types of personal information to collect

The information customers provide us includes the name, address, date of birth or age, telephone number, gender, place of employment (including work place information) , and email address.

3. How to collect personal information

We will take sufficient safety measures and keep personal information in an appropriate manner.

4. Outsourcing personal information

We may outsource operations including handling of personal information in order to provide products and services based on transactions with customers. When outsourcing, we will carry out necessary and appropriate supervision to ensure proper handling even at the outsourcee.

5. Joint Use of Personal Information by Resona Group companies

Resona Group companies jointly use the personal information of customers to propose and deliver their products and services by “all-Resona” collaboration for the convenience of the customers as well as to enable Resona Holdings, Inc., among others, to manage the business and the risks of its entire group. The details of Joint Use are described below. A customer may request us to cease the joint use for the purpose of marketing the products or services.

(1) Items of Personal Data subject to Joint Use

1. The following personal information of customers and their families, etc., collected by Joint Users, defined below, through written forms, such as application forms, and/or through other modes.
A. Name, address, occupation and other personal profile;
B. Financial standing, such as income and assets; and
C. Bank transactions, including the loan balance and the deposit balance

2. All (past) transactions with Joint Users and other associated information

3. Assessment and classification by Joint Users based on certain standards

(2) Scope of Joint Users

The Company, Resona Holdings, Inc. and The Company will its consolidated subsidiaries

※The consolidated subsidiaries of Resona Holdings, Inc. as of the end of March each year are shown in the yuka shoken hokokusho (annual securities report) of Resona Holdings, Inc.

(3) Purposes of use by Joint Users

・To receive applications and consultations for various products and services offered by our group, including those relating to finance and trust scheme.

・To identify the customers in accordance with laws and regulations and to verify the qualifications for certain products and services offered by our group, including those relating to finance and trust scheme.

・To control due dates, etc. for the continuance of relationships

・To make judgment when receiving loan applications or continuing the relationship

・To make judgment from the perspective of the suitability principle in proposing products and services offered by our group, including those relating to finance and trust scheme.

・To provide personal information for a third party in conducting credit operations to the extent necessary to perform the business appropriately, as is the case with the provision with a personal credit information bureau of which Resona is a member

・To properly perform the tasks for a business operator, where the operator outsources to us certain operations, in whole or in part, involving personal data processing

・To exercise our rights or perform our obligations under contracts with customers or in accordance with the law

・To carry out the research and development of financial products and services, such as financial and/or trust products for our group through market research, data analysis and market survey

・To propose products and services, such as financial and/or trust products of our group, via telemarketing and direct mail marketing.

・To propose products and services offered by our partner companies

・To terminate the products and services and to follow up thereafter

・To manage the business and the various risks, to comply with the laws and regulations and to perform all other associated business and operations

・To perform the transactions and contracts with the customers properly and smoothly

Note that The Company will jointly use personal information only within scope of the purposes described in the “Purposes of Use of Personal Information” of purposes of use by Joint Users listed above.

(4) The name, address, and representative name of the entity responsible for the management of personal information

   Masahiro Minami
   Group CEO, Director, President and
   Representative Executive Officer
   Resona Holdings, Inc.
   Fukagawa Gatharia W2 Bldg., 5-65, Kiba 1-chome, Koto-ku, Tokyo

1. When required by law.

2. When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

3. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

4. When it is necessary for a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted with it to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person will hinder the performance of the affairs.

6. Providing of personal information to third parties

We will not provide personal information to a third party without the consent of the customers, except in the following cases.
In addition, we may publish the aggregated results of statistically processing the customers’ personal information, but this does not include information that can identify each customer.

1. When required by law.

2. When it is necessary to protect the life, body or property of a person and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

3. When it is particularly necessary to improve public health or promote the sound development of children, and it is difficult to obtain the consent of the person.

4. When it is necessary for a national institution or a local public body or a person entrusted with it to cooperate in carrying out the affairs stipulated by laws and regulations, and obtaining the consent of the person will hinder the performance of the affairs.

7. How to manage personal information

1. We will always take appropriate measures to keep personal information accurate and up-to-date.

2. We will do our utmost to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, unauthorized access, etc. of personal information.

8. Continuous improvement of personal information protection

1. We will provide continuous education and necessary and appropriate supervision to our employees so that personal information can be safely managed.

2. We will review our efforts to protect and manage personal information and continue to make improvements.
To this end, we will review this policy and internal rules regarding the protection of personal information as necessary.

3. When we change the personal information we collect, change the purpose of use, or change this policy, we will announce it by posting it on this site.
The revised policy will take effect from the time the revision date is displayed on this site.

9. Regarding requests for disclosure, correction, deletion, and suspension of use from customers

1. If you would like to request disclosure, correction, deletion, or discontinuation of information about you, please contact the following inquiries.
We will confirm that you are the person, ask about the situation, and guide you through the necessary procedures.

2. If a customer requests to discontinue use of direct mail (including mail, e-mail, and telemarketing), we will confirm that you are the person and then discontinue handling.

10. Measures taken for safety management

We will take necessary and appropriate organizational, personnel, physical and technical safety management measures based on laws and regulations to prevent leakage, loss or damage of personal information. In addition, if we determine that the personal information obtained from customers and business partners is not necessary for our normal operations, we will delete it in a safe and rational way.

11. Usage of cookies and web beacons

We use cookies *1 and Web beacons (clear GIF) *2 in part of the website to collect and analyze the usage for website improvement, to put advertisements, and to make it more conveniently to use for person.
A person can refuse to receive a cookie, or can display a warning message when receiving a cookie by changing the setting of a web browser. For more details, please see the instructions of a web browser you are using. Moreover, a person can reject a Web beacon by setting to refuse the receipt of a cookie.
But, in the first case, please note that a person may not be able to use the all or part of our services provided in the website.

[ Glossary ]
*1 Cookies:

Mean information exchanged one another between a web server that controls a web site and a web browser that a person uses. Cookies may be saved as files in the disk of a person's PC. If you use a cookie, the web server can track and record information about which pages in the web site the particular computer visits etc. However, we cannot identify the person unless he or she enters the personal information into the web site.

*2 Web Beacons:

Mean technology that functions with a cookie to check how many times a person accesses a particular page. However, we cannot identify the person unless he or she enters the personal information when receiving cookies.

12. Usage of cookies for advertisement distribution

In order to display our advertisements on the websites of other companies, we provide advertisement distribution companies that we outsourced advertisement distribution with information that cannot be personally identified by itself which collected by using cookies, etc.

13. Collection and usage of behavioral history information

We cooperate with a third party (Google Analytics of Google LLC) as follows. When a customer visits our website, we use the information collected by that third party for the purpose of analyzing our website, etc. If you want to disable the collection of information by cookies, please access the opt-out page of the third party and disable it according to the prescribed procedure.

Usage of Google Analytics
We use Google Analytics to improve our website by collecting and statistically analyzing the usage of the website.
Google Analytics uses cookies to collect customer information, but does not collect any information that is personally identified. Customer information collected by Google Analytics by cookies is managed by Google LLC under its privacy policy.
If you refuse the collection of information by Google Analytics on our site, you can disable it from the following Google website (Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on).
>Google Analytics opt-out browser add-on

Please refer to the following Google website for explanation of information collection by Google Analytics and Google's privacy policy. We shall not be liable for any damages caused by using the Google Analytics service.
>Google Analytics Terms of Service
>Google Privacy Policy


Shutoken Agri Farm Co., Ltd. 04-2936-8851
Opening Hours: 9 : 00〜17 : 00
Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays, year ends and New Year holidays, Bon vacation)

Established Date: 9 June, 2022