Basic Policy against Anti-Social Forces
Basic Policy against Anti-Social Forces



1. 組織としての対応


2. 外部専門機関との連携


3. 有事における民事と刑事の法的対応


4. 裏取引や資金提供の禁止


5. 役職員の安全確保


Basic policy for antisocial forces

Shutoken Agrifarm Co., Ltd. has established the following basic policies for antisocial forces, in order to maintain social order and public trust.
All officers and employees will comply with them to block and eliminate any relationships with antisocial forces completely.

1. Behavior as an organization

For antisocial forces, we will establish a clear basis in the Code of Ethics, internal regulations, etc., and behave as entire organization, including top management.

2. Cooperation with external professional institutions

We will always endeavor to build close ties with external professional institutions such as police, police brutality promotion centers, and lawyers.

3. Civil and criminal legal response in an emergency

We will reject unreasonable demands from antisocial forces and take legal action, both civil and criminal, as necessary.

4. Prohibition of back-door transactions and financing

We will never have back-door transactions with antisocial forces.

5. Ensure the safety of officers and employees

We will ensure the safety of officers and employees who respond to antisocial forces.